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Topic Summary

Posted by: Bot
« on: December 28, 2011, 10:53:01 pm »

Do Not Leak These Codes Permanent Ban!

#Freeze The Player
;Credit: ~SWAT911~
;Still Needs Work
;Code Community
0x005C006C 0x444E453E
0x0075F078 0x0000455A

#Starting Game
;Havnt Finished It TEST IT!
;Code Community
0x00810900 0x61745300
0x00810904 0x6e697472

#Sawed-Off Pistol EPDD
;Credit: SWAT911
;Shoots One Tazer Epdd
;Code Community
0x081ABFC 0x2d646577
0x0081ac00 0x2066664f
0x0081ac04 0x74736950
0x0081ac08 0x64006c6f
0x00815784 0x00444450
0x00815788 0x69615f64

#Spam ( **** Your Mom )
0x000E2560 0x50800000
0x000E3550 0x14800003
0x000E3580 0x24C624D0
0x000E34FC 0x00000000
0x005C24D0 0x6B637546
0x005C24D4 0x756F5920
0x005C24D8 0x6F4D2072
0x005C24DC 0x0000006D
0x005C24E0 0x00000000

#Spam ( 5SWaT~1OwNz~3YoU )
0x000E2560 0x50800000
0x000E3550 0x14800003
0x000E3580 0x24C624D0
0x000E34FC 0x00000000
0x005C24D0 0x61575315
0x005C24D4 0x4F117E54
0x005C24D8 0x7E7A4E77
0x005C24DC 0x556F5913
0x005C24E0 0x00000000

#Spam ( 5Code4Community0.6tk )
0x000E2560 0x50800000
0x000E3550 0x14800003
0x000E3580 0x24C624D0
0x000E34FC 0x00000000
0x005C24D0 0x646F4315
0x005C24D4 0x6F431465
0x005C24D8 0x6E756D6D
0x005C24DC 0x11797469
0x005C24E0 0x6B74162E

#Spam ( 5Dark75MirrorNotDead )
0x000E2560 0x50800000
0x000E3550 0x14800003
0x000E3580 0x24C624D0
0x000E34FC 0x00000000
0x005C24D0 0x72614415
0x005C24D4 0x4D150A6B
0x005C24D8 0x6F727269
0x005C24DC 0x746F4E72
0x005C24E0 0x64616544