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Posted by: _xXxSWAT911xXx_
« on: January 08, 2012, 05:04:17 pm »

#Win Money much Faster (LA)
0x00569BC8 0x00000000 <---- edit the hex (00000000) to edit how much money you win from a race

#account freezer (LA)
;turn on code then do a race
;after the race save
;then press continue career
;nothing will happen the music will keep playing
;after that ever time you try to load you save the
;same thing will happen
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0056A474 0x0000FFFF

#car much faster acl
;its not that much faster if you have a really good car
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0053CDC0 0xD6457551

#car weird handling
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0053CDC0 0x45321323

#car top speed 3mph
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0053CD80 0x00000000

#launch car in to air
;hold down X then press the music button
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0053CD80 0xE2001000

#Edit Rep (LA)
;starts at 20000
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0056A470 0x00004E20

#cant move
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0053CD80 0x70000000

#Weird Freeze Game (999mph)
;says your going 999mph
;cant move/weird sound loop
;screen flashes yellow
;turn code off and restart race/free roam to turn off
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0053CD80 0x7FFFFFFF

#auto exl
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0053CD80 0xC7568984

#car shoots backwards
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0053CD80 0x53568984

#drive backwards (Fast)
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0053CD80 0x54439284