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Topic Summary

Posted by: Bot
« on: December 23, 2011, 11:28:07 pm »

#Infinite Health
 ;Never Die, made by request
 ;You still die when stepping in acid, falling off cliff, etc
 ;Credit Murderface
 0x00335E78 0x00001D01

#Studs Hack (Level)
 ;Give 10 million lego pieces
 ;Use only INSIDE a level
 ;Instanly fills the ?collection progress? bar.
 ;gives ?super hero? ranking
 ;I would not advise saving while this code is active
 ;Credit Murderface
 0x003C2000 0?00989680

#Studs Hack (Batcave)
 ;Give 10 million lego pieces
 ;I would not advise saving while this code is active
 ;Credit Murderface
 0x00563DC0 0?00989680

#Have All Minikits
 ;gives you 10 minikits
 ;activate in level to have them all
 ;Credit Murderface
 0x003C1D14 0x0000000A
 0x003C1D18 0x0000000A
 0x003C1D1C 0x0000000A

#Batman SuperJump
 ;Just walk around for a second and you will superjump
 ;Credit Murderface
 0x0056D4CA 0?4030

#Robin Superjump
 ;Just walk around for a second and you will superjump
 ;Credit Murderface
 0x0056EB3A 0?4030

#Batman Floats Away
 ;Enable and batman will randomly float away
 ;Can also be used as a ?jump? code
 ;Credit Murderface
 0x0056C0FC 0?40300000

#Robin Floats Away
 ;Enable and batman will randomly float away
 ;Can also be used as a ?jump? code
 ;Credit Murderface
 0x0056D76C 0?40300000

 ;Make it so you can fly while double jumping,
 ;makes it so when you attack, you cover a lot of distance
 ;Credit Murderface
 0x0056D5E2 0?4180

 ;Double jump goes farther
 ;makes it so when you attack, you cover more distance
 ;Coudn?t think of a good name
 ;Credit Murderface
 0x0056D5E2 0?4080

#Immune To Freeze
 ;tested and working
 ;credit Murderface
 0x00335E24 0x00001A01

#Extra Hearts
 ;may be non-working
 0x00335EDC 0x0001C01

#Shillouettes On
 ;credit Murderface
 0x00335C64 0x0000FF01

#Beep Beep On
 0x00335C80 0x0000FF01

#Ice Rink On
 0x00335C9C 0x0000FF01

#x10 Score Multiplier
 0x00335D60 0?00001301

#All Characters Have Moustache
 0x00335CB8 0x0000FF01

#Extra Toggle Cheat On

#Robin Demolition uniform
 0x0056E82C 0x08B350B0

#Batman Technology uniform
 0x0056D1BC 0x08B351F0

#Robin Glide uniform
 0x0056E82C 0x08B35060

#Batman attract uniform
 0x0056D1BC 0x08B35290

#!!====== Costumes ========
 ; by:wawin1221
 #Batman uniform
 0x0056D1BC 0x08B34FC0

#Batman Demolition uniform
 0x0056D1BC 0x08B350B0

#Batman Glide uniform
 0x0056D1BC 0x08B35060

#Batman Sonic uniform
 0x0056D1BC 0x08B35100

#Batman Heat uniform
 0x0056D1BC 0x08B35010

#Robin uniform
 0x0056E82C 0x08B35150

#Robin Technology uniform
 0x0056E82C 0x08B351F0

#Robin Magnet uniform
 0x0056E82C 0x08B35240

#Robin Attract uniform
 0x0056E82C 0x08B35290

#Robin wet suit
 0x0056E82C 0x08B351A0

#Lego blocks for robin attract suit
 0x0056EC94 0?00000102
 0x00335CD4 0x0000FF01