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Topic Summary

Posted by: Bot
« on: December 21, 2011, 02:24:43 am »

#EMP gun
0x00843E90 0x03;gun slot
0x00843E94 0x00;gun type
0x00843E9c 0x01;automatics
0x00843ECC 0x41000014;speed of bullet
0x00843EDC 0x41A00000;damage
0x00843EF0 0x0000FFFF;ammo in clip
0x00843EF4 0x01;ammo in mag
0x00843F64 0x44000000;radius
0x00843F68 0x44000000;radius
0x00843EA4 0x02;held

#Decked out EMP (black map)
Dont Steal Credit!
0x00843E98 0xF2EB4020
0x00843EB8 0x00000001
0x00843EBC 0x00000001
0x00843F38 0x0000FFFF
0x00843F3C 0x0000FFFF
0x00843F68 0x44480000
0x00843F70 0x00000002
0x00843F80 0x00000068