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Topic Summary

Posted by: Bot
« on: December 23, 2011, 11:27:12 pm »

#100,000 Score in ?Ground attack Drill?
 ;Credit: Abcdefgh
 ;Yes it does count in the end
 ;Activate before the start
 ;SET HZ to 15/1000
 0x006FE3E8 0x000186A0

# Always Gold in Training
 ;Turn off and on again
 ;when you are doing
 ;a new training area
 ;credit Dave
 0x006FE3E8 0x0001213B

# 99 Training Stats
 ;turn off and on again when
 ;you get done training and
 ;are adding points
 ;credit Dave
 0x006FF39C 0?00000063
 0x006FF3A0 0?00000063
 0x006FF3A4 0?00000063
 0x006FF3A8 0?00000063
 0x006FF3AC 0?00000063
 0x006FF3B0 0?00000063
 0x006FF3B4 0?00000063
 0x006FF3B8 0?00000063
 0x006FF3BC 0?00000063
 0x006FF3C0 0?00000063
 0x006FF3C4 0?00000063
 0x006FF3C8 0?00000063
 0x006FF3CC 0?00000063
 0x006FF3D0 0?00000063
 0x006FF3D4 0?00000063
 0x006FF3D8 0?00000063
 0x006FF3DC 0?00000063
 0x006FF3E0 0?00000063
 0x006FF3E4 0?00000063
 0x006FF3E8 0?00000063
 0x006FF3EC 0?00000063
 0x0115CFD4 0?00000063
 0x0115D5CC 0?00000063
 0x0115DBC4 0?00000063