CFw 6.39PRO-B10 Fix1 available for download. New in this rel: Fix bugs: CIPL Installer/Flasher on psp 01g/02g, ISOCache infinite loop, unsupport>2GB ISO,PSPGo ISO VIDEO MOUNT and ISO file size when mounting UMD through USB (thx to neur0ner). Reduce FastRecovery file size,speedup fast recovery (thx to neur0ner). Added support 2GB~4GB ISO/CSO..
Using CIPL_flasher on PSP-2000 ta088v3 or PSP 3g and up mainboards will BRICK your PSP. Though we added a check at startup which may prevent it happens, by exiting the CIPL flasher if such model detected. If yours are ta088v3 but it turns out not to exit at startup then you should exit immediately and report it back.

PSP development coldbird & virtuous flame on PRO PSP Firmware has released Custom Firmware 6.39PRO-B6 for All psp models ( 1g, 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g, 7g, 9g ). This is a Aftermarket Firmware for Playstation Portable, and licensed under the GPLv3, made by users for the users.
It will continue to provide you with new features, even after Sony drops the platform and allows you to develope your own applications for PSP. And most importantly, With this release, you are not at risk in doing
http://e-arena.blogspot.com/2011/05/psp-638-639-to-620-635-downgrade.htmlIf you do not know what psp modules you have, you can download and run the
http://e-arena.blogspot.com/2011/05/psp-module-checker-v30.html to find out, before proceeding. From where to start
Homebrew Compatible: Run your own unsigned applications, both user and kernel mode.
Plugin Compatible: Add new features to your PSP via kernel mode background plugins.
ISO / CSO and Game Dump Playback: Backup your own UMD discs via USB and play them from Flash Storage.
2g+ Memory Range Unlock: Use the previously locked RAM range within your own homebrews.
NODRM Engine: Use your bought DLCs, no matter on which PSN account you are currently logged in.
PSX Emulator Unlock: Play your PSX classics, yes - all of them. Not just PSN titles.
And a lot more...
Change log:
Fixed NODRM Engine on Dissidia Duodecim.
Fixed High Capacity Bug.
Fixed Bug in np9660.
Fixed button-input related startup freeze.
Fixed rare crash in exploiting stage.
Added 6.39 Kernel Support.
Developer's note: I recommend the old version of PRO users began to appear in the game after the 6.60 upgrade PRO-B9, so as not to archive the user is not compatible with 6.60. 6.60 PRO-B9 use kernel vulnerabilities from some1/Davee/Proxima/Zecoxao the 6.60 downgrader. To express thanks again.
*PSP CFw 6.39PRO-B10 Fix1.
http://sites.google.com/site/earena21/Home/6-39-custom-firmware/639PRO-B10.fix1.rar?attredirects=0&d=1*PSP CFw 6.39PRO-B9.
-- Find it with google (File removed at legal request of SCEI.) --
*OFw PSP 6.39 (for PSP 100x, 200x, 300x).
*OFw PSP-GO 6.39 (for PSP Go - N-Series).
Installation Instructions:
Note: This software is free, and comes with no warranty, it has been tested and it has work, however I am not responsible for any bricked, so please try this at your own risk!.
Required: PSP-300x, PSP-200x, +TA-088v3 or PSP GO (1g, 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g, 7g, 9g) has Sony Firmware ?6.39? installed. other firmware is not supported. If you don?t have PSP 6.39 installed, you need to update its.
PSP Update 6.39 installation :
If your PSP already on OFw 6.39, skip this step. Make sure psp has running under OFw, check psp version!! (DON'T update if psp under CFw!, If not, do the Restore Default Settings, and release the battery for a moment).
Make sure psp has full battery or at least 75% and keep the AC cord connected during an update, to avoid any possible bricks.
Copy ?EBOOT.PBP? of OFw PSP 6.39 to ?ms0:/PSP/GAME/UPDATE/? (You can make a new folder called UPDATE in all uppercase letters - CAPS). Then run the ?6.39 firmware update? from Game menu. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the update.
Install CFw 6.39PRO-B:
Copy ?PROUPDATE? and ?FastRecovery? folder to ?ef0: - ms0:/PSP/GAME/? on your PSP, Then Run ?6.39PRO-B Updater? to install the Aftermarket Modules, delete it afterwards, you won't need it again unless you wish to uninstall PRO CFw again.
However, in the future you will have to boot it manually every time you shutdown and restart your PSP by executing the FastRecovery application.
Author: PSP ProFirmware - Google Code
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