« on: January 14, 2012, 07:45:41 am »
This guide will show you how to increase your stats; kills, deaths, etc. using NitePr, and works on any online shooter for PSP.
This guide can help you receive the " T3 " rank in SFDM online in one game, but can work with LS and CO as well, but just by searching EXP instead of kills. This may also be used with other games, for increasing your stats online.
To increase your kill stats on other games, just use the same procedure as the guide. If you want to edit other stats, just substitute the wanted stat for the kills.
For this guide I used Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror
1) Connect on infrastructure on multiplayer mode
2) Join a ranked game (best if it's a TMDM)
3) Get NitePR ready by activating it with " + and - "
4) Once the game has started, get 3 kills, it doesn't matter if you die.
5) Now that you have gotten 3 kills go into your NitePR menu and tab over with the " R " button to " searcher " and then the screen should look like this:
Find Exact Value
Find Unknown Value - 8bit
Find Unknown Value - 16bit
Find Unknown Value - 32bit
Find Text
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Default Edit Kills/Deaths/Suicides, Online
BlaZe's guide on how to increase your kills/deaths/suicides etc. online, using NitePR.
This guide will show you how to increase your stats; kills, deaths, etc. using NitePr, and works on any online shooter for PSP.
This guide can help you receive the " T3 " rank in SFDM online in one game, but can work with LS and CO as well, but just by searching EXP instead of kills. This may also be used with other games, for increasing your stats online.
To increase your kill stats on other games, just use the same procedure as the guide. If you want to edit other stats, just substitute the wanted stat for the kills.
For this guide I used Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror
1) Connect on infrastructure on multiplayer mode
2) Join a ranked game (best if it's a TMDM)
3) Get NitePR ready by activating it with " + and - "
4) Once the game has started, get 3 kills, it doesn't matter if you die.
5) Now that you have gotten 3 kills go into your NitePR menu and tab over with the " R " button to " searcher " and then the screen should look like this:
Find Exact Value
Find Unknown Value - 8bit
Find Unknown Value - 16bit
Find Unknown Value - 32bit
Find Text
Then select " Find Exact Value " then it should say:
Value.Hex Value.Dec
0x00000000 0000000000
And it will have addresses on the bottom
(Don't focus on the the other things)
Then on " Value.Hex " change the last " 0 " on the right, to 3, because you have a total of 3 kills.
6) Once your search is done, exit the NitePr menu by pressing " () circle " to return to the game and then get 2 more kills
7) When you get 2 more kills, return to your NitePR menu and tab back to " searcher " and it should say:
Continue to find Exact Value
Continue to Find Unknown Value
Reset Search
Now you select " Continue to find Exact Value " and edit your " 3 " to a " 5 " since you now have a total of 5 kills and search.
At the bottom there should be a few addresses and push select on all of them, to add them to your code list. The codes end up on the bottom of the list and with a name like " New Cheat 0 " and up, depending on how many addresses you get.
Now that you have the codes on your list, pick one of them and push " /\ (triangle) " to edit the cheat. The " Value.Hex " should read " 0x00000005 " then change the last 4 digits to " 9's " so it will read: " 0x00009999 ".
Once you've done that, select that cheat, and return to the game and turn on your cheats with the music button. Now, press start and go into " stats " and on your kills it should read a really high number like 39859 or something.
Now continue to play the game regularly until the game is over and keep the code on the whole time, even when the game is over with. When the game is over, the screen will be black, and will show that you have achieved the " T3 " rank, and you now are a T3 with all the weapons that come with it!
This guide may also be used to increase your stats. Just pick a stat you want to increase, then search in your nitepr browser, edit the value to what you want, then enable the code, and your stat(s) will be edited.