Author Topic: [UCUS-98641] Syphon Filter Dark Mirror New Hacks  (Read 113 times)

Offline _xXxSWAT911xXx_

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[UCUS-98641] Syphon Filter Dark Mirror New Hacks
« on: March 25, 2012, 05:26:32 pm »
Code: [Select]
Here's some videos
YouTube - 61xXxTWiST3DxXx19's Channel

 What the hack does...
 - It lets you respawn in a certain place when you want to
 How to use it...
 - Set cheat Hz to 15/1000
 - Turn the code on when you are dead, and once you respawn turn the code off (not untill you see that you're where you want to be)
 If you enable the code while you're alive...
 - You'll probably die
 - You might be teleported to where the respawn is set
 Note, This is enforced with my Credit Force 1.01 (<<lol) and my name is coded into the code. Here's what hapens if you change that name...
 - You're screen will go black, AND the code won't wont
 - You will need to restart ur psp for the screen to return to normal
 So, If you got this code (hopefully from my website) and someone else is claiming they made this code, just check the address 0x00703ff0 in your nitePR browser and my name should be there.

 #Respawn at Canyon: MGL
 ;Turn on while ur dead, then once u've respawned to the location, turn the code off.
 ;CREDiT: _xXxTWiST3DxXx_
 0x00449B8C 0x0E3C1000
 0x00703FF0 0x7858785F
 0x00703FF4 0x53695754
 0x00703FF8 0x78443354
 0x00703FFC 0x005F7858
 0x00704000 0x3C0808E0
 0x00704004 0x8D086398
 0x00704008 0x8D0804C4
 0x0070400C 0x3C097858
 0x00704010 0x2529785F
 0x00704014 0x3C0A08F0
 0x00704018 0x8D4F3FF0
 0x0070401C 0x15E90009
 0x00704020 0x00000000
 0x00704024 0x3C0BC29B
 0x00704028 0x3C0CC284
 0x0070402C 0x3C0D4242
 0x00704030 0x240E6F6D
 0x00704034 0xAD0B0020
 0x00704038 0xAD0C0024
 0x0070403C 0xAD0D0028
 0x00704040 0x85584010
 0x00704044 0x11E90006
 0x00704048 0x00000000
 0x0070404C 0x3C1808E9
 0x00704050 0x3C190000
 0x00704054 0xAF194E44
 0x00704058 0x03E00008
 0x0070405C 0x0E313E83
 0x00704060 0x170E0004
 0x00704064 0x00000000
 0x00704068 0x3C1808E9
 0x0070406C 0x3C194000
 0x00704070 0xAF194EE4
 0x00704074 0x03E00008
 0x00704078 0x0E313E83

 #Respawn at Detroit: SMAW
 ;Turn on while ur dead, then once u've respawned to the ;location, turn the code off.
 ;CREDiT: _xXxTWiST3DxXx_
 0x00449B8C 0x0E3C1000
 0x00703FF0 0x7858785F
 0x00703FF4 0x53695754
 0x00703FF8 0x78443354
 0x00703FFC 0x005F7858
 0x00704000 0x3C0808E0
 0x00704004 0x8D086398
 0x00704008 0x8D0804C4
 0x0070400C 0x3C097858
 0x00704010 0x2529785F
 0x00704014 0x3C0A08F0
 0x00704018 0x8D4F3FF0
 0x0070401C 0x15E90009
 0x00704020 0x00000000
 0x00704024 0x3C0BC214
 0x00704028 0x3C0C4324
 0x0070402C 0x3C0D421C
 0x00704030 0x240E6F6D
 0x00704034 0xAD0B0020
 0x00704038 0xAD0C0024
 0x0070403C 0xAD0D0028
 0x00704040 0x85584010
 0x00704044 0x11E90006
 0x00704048 0x00000000
 0x0070404C 0x3C1808E9
 0x00704050 0x3C190000
 0x00704054 0xAF194E44
 0x00704058 0x03E00008
 0x0070405C 0x0E313E83
 0x00704060 0x170E0004
 0x00704064 0x00000000
 0x00704068 0x3C1808E9
 0x0070406C 0x3C194000
 0x00704070 0xAF194EE4
 0x00704074 0x03E00008
 0x00704078 0x0E313E83

 #Respawn at Refinery: Roof
 ;Turn on while ur dead, then once u've respawned to the ;location, turn the code off.
 ;CREDiT: _xXxTWiST3DxXx_
 0x00449B8C 0x0E3C1000
 0x00703FF0 0x7858785F
 0x00703FF4 0x53695754
 0x00703FF8 0x78443354
 0x00703FFC 0x005F7858
 0x00704000 0x3C0808E0
 0x00704004 0x8D086398
 0x00704008 0x8D0804C4
 0x0070400C 0x3C097858
 0x00704010 0x2529785F
 0x00704014 0x3C0A08F0
 0x00704018 0x8D4F3FF0
 0x0070401C 0x15E90009
 0x00704020 0x00000000
 0x00704024 0x3C0BC31F
 0x00704028 0x3C0C4296
 0x0070402C 0x3C0D4215
 0x00704030 0x240E6F6D
 0x00704034 0xAD0B0020
 0x00704038 0xAD0C0024
 0x0070403C 0xAD0D0028
 0x00704040 0x85584010
 0x00704044 0x11E90006
 0x00704048 0x00000000
 0x0070404C 0x3C1808E9
 0x00704050 0x3C190000
 0x00704054 0xAF194E44
 0x00704058 0x03E00008
 0x0070405C 0x0E313E83
 0x00704060 0x170E0004
 0x00704064 0x00000000
 0x00704068 0x3C1808E9
 0x0070406C 0x3C194000
 0x00704070 0xAF194EE4
 0x00704074 0x03E00008
 0x00704078 0x0E313E83

 #Respawn at Shanty Town: Imprinter
 ;Turn on while ur dead, then once u've respawned to the ;location, turn the code off.
 ;CREDiT: _xXxTWiST3DxXx_
 0x00449B8C 0x0E3C1000
 0x00703FF0 0x7858785F
 0x00703FF4 0x53695754
 0x00703FF8 0x78443354
 0x00703FFC 0x005F7858
 0x00704000 0x3C0808E0
 0x00704004 0x8D086398
 0x00704008 0x8D0804C4
 0x0070400C 0x3C097858
 0x00704010 0x2529785F
 0x00704014 0x3C0A08F0
 0x00704018 0x8D4F3FF0
 0x0070401C 0x15E90009
 0x00704020 0x00000000
 0x00704024 0x3C0B43E6
 0x00704028 0x3C0CC2E4
 0x0070402C 0x3C0DC1C2
 0x00704030 0x240E6F6D
 0x00704034 0xAD0B0020
 0x00704038 0xAD0C0024
 0x0070403C 0xAD0D0028
 0x00704040 0x85584010
 0x00704044 0x11E90006
 0x00704048 0x00000000
 0x0070404C 0x3C1808E9
 0x00704050 0x3C190000
 0x00704054 0xAF194E44
 0x00704058 0x03E00008
 0x0070405C 0x0E313E83
 0x00704060 0x170E0004
 0x00704064 0x00000000
 0x00704068 0x3C1808E9
 0x0070406C 0x3C194000
 0x00704070 0xAF194EE4
 0x00704074 0x03E00008
 0x00704078 0x0E313E83

 It makes ur FAMAS...
 - Infinite Ammo
 - One Shot Kill
 - Catch The Victim on fire, Gasses, Shocks, or Blows them up.
 - Fully Automatic
 - Highest Fire Rate
 - No Recoil
 - Non DMA
 - And there is sound!
 - Not credit forced so I'm trusting you guys not to steal credit!
 I'm the founder of weapon mods

 #iNSaNE FiRe FaMaS
 0x00834d30 0x00000004
 0x00834d34 0x00000001
 0x00834d84 0x52FF0000
 0x00834d88 0x00FFFFFF
 0x00834dd0 0x00FFFFFF

 #iNSaNE GaS FaMaS
 0x00834d30 0x00000005
 0x00834d34 0x00000001
 0x00834d84 0x52FF0000
 0x00834d88 0x00FFFFFF
 0x00834dd0 0x00FFFFFF
 0x00834dd4 0x00FFFFFF
 0x00834dd8 0x00FFFFFF

 0x00834d30 0x0000000B
 0x00834d34 0x00000001
 0x00834d84 0x52FF0000
 0x00834d88 0x00FFFFFF
 0x00834dd0 0x00FFFFFF
 0x00834dd4 0x00FFFFFF
 0x00834dd8 0x00FFFFFF

 #iNSaNE BooM FaMaS
 0x00834d30 0x00000002
 0x00834d34 0x00000001
 0x00834d84 0x52FF0000
 0x00834d88 0x00FFFFFF
 0x00834dd0 0x00FFFFFF
 0x00834dd4 0x00FFFFFF
 0x00834dd8 0x00FFFFFF

 #Spam ****~you
 ;In room only
 0x000E0584 0x3C06093C
 0x000E05A8 0x24C60058
 0x00BC0058 0x63751046
 0x00BC005C 0x6F597E6B
 0x00BC0060 0x00002175

 #Spam Dumbass
 ;In room only
 0x000E0584 0x3C06093C
 0x000E05A8 0x24C60058
 0x00BC0058 0x626D7544
 0x00BC005C 0x73107361
 0x00BC0060 0x2D5F2D20

 #Slow Motion
 0x00694C2C 0x3E000000

 ;CREDiT: _xXxTWiST3DxXx_
 0xFFFFFFFF 0x00606398
 0x00000390 0x00000000

 #Fall Down
 ;CREDiT: _xXxTWiST3DxXx_
 0xFFFFFFFF 0x00606398
 0x00000580 0x80600000

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