Author Topic: [UCUS-98668] Resistance: Retribution  (Read 268 times)

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[UCUS-98668] Resistance: Retribution
« on: December 21, 2011, 02:53:00 am »
Code: [Select]
;Resistance: Retribution

#The Ultimate Soldier
;On: Hold D-Pad Down
;Credit: Creator
;Thanks To WhoIsYou
;For His RapidFire
;Thanks To SonniE
;For His Inf Granades
;Auto Fire: Creator
;Inf Ammo: Creator
;Rapid Fire: WhoIsYou
;Inf Granades: SonniE
0x0041A178 0x0E200324
0x00171980 0x0E200300
0x00000BF8 0x61657243;Crea
0x00000BFC 0x00726f74;tor
0x00000C00 0x27BDFFF0
0x00000C04 0xAFBF0000
0x00000C08 0xAFA50004
0x00000C0C 0xAFA60008
0x00000C10 0xAFA7000C
0x00000C14 0x24080040
0x00000C18 0x3C0908EB
0x00000C1C 0x8D293DCC
0x00000C20 0x1509000A
0x00000C28 0x3C0408F7
0x00000C2C 0x8C849EDC
0x00000C30 0x8C840120
0x00000C34 0x3C050880
0x00000C38 0x24A50C70
0x00000C3C 0x3C0608F8
0x00000C40 0x24C6C9B0
0x00000C44 0x0E31FC28
0x00000C48 0x34070002
0x00000C4C 0x8FA50004
0x00000C50 0x8FA60008
0x00000C54 0x8FA7000C
0x00000C58 0x8FBF0000
0x00000C5C 0x03E00008
0x00000C60 0x27BD0010
0x00000C70 0x64657243
0x00000C74 0x203A7469
0x00000C78 0x61657243
0x00000C7C 0x00726F74
0x00000C80 0x00000000
0x00000C84 0x00000000
0x00000C90 0x3C0808EB
0x00000C94 0x8D093DCC
0x00000C98 0x3C0A08EB
0x00000C9C 0x3C0B0000
0x00000CA0 0x356B0200
0x00000CA4 0x3C0C0000
0x00000CA8 0x358C0000
0x00000CAC 0x240D0040
0x00000CB0 0x240E0040
0x00000CB4 0x152D0002
0x00000CBC 0xAD4C3DCC
0x00000CC0 0x152E0002
0x00000CC8 0xAD4B3DCC
0x00000CCC 0x03e00008
0x00271E24 0x14000004
0x00271E2C 0x3C040000
0x00271F18 0x0E200324
0x00290004 0x0E200324

#Weapon Size Mod
;Change Hex For Size
0x00694D30 0x3F800000

#Seceret Agent
;All Credit Creator
;Semi See Through Walls
;When You Walk to a Wall
;It Disappears
0x0069D67C 0x40800000

#BermudaTriangle Mode
;Corrupts Screen Like Your
;Going into The Bermuda
;Sometimes Works
;Sometimes Doesn't
;I guess It's Semi-DMA
0x0080F4AC 0xD13533DF
0x0098E82C 0xD13533DF

#Short&Wide Mode
;Makes Every Thing
;Short and Fat
0x0069C6A8 0x40800000

#Pic/Tall&Thin Mode
;Takes a Picture
;Of The Screen at
;the bottom of the
;Makes everything
;tall and thin at the
;top of the screen
0x0069C6AC 0x40800000

#Fire Size Mod
;Mods Fire Size
0x0069C6D4 0x40800000

#Huge Weapon Offline Joker
;On: Select
;Off: D-Pad Down
0x00360158 0x0E200666
0x00001990 0x61657243
0x00001994 0x00726F74
0x00001998 0x3C0808E0
0x0000199C 0x8D09E098
0x000019A0 0x3C0A08E9
0x000019A4 0x3C0B3F80
0x000019A8 0x356B0000
0x000019AC 0x3C0C4080
0x000019B0 0x358C0000
0x000019B4 0x240D0001
0x000019B8 0x240E0040
0x000019BC 0x152D0002
0x000019C4 0xAD4C4D30
0x000019C8 0x152E0002
0x000019D0 0xAD4B4D30
0x000019D4 0x03E00008

#The Mantis Crawl
;Your Character walks some-
;What like a Praying Mantis
0x0039D6FC 0x00000000

#Creator's Inf Ammo
;ALL Credit: Creator
;Thanks to STR8KR4ZY for his work on inf ammo
;Jokered By Creator
;On: Select
;Off: D-Pad Down
0x0041A178 0x0E200666
0x00001990 0x61657243;Crea
0x00001994 0x00726f74;tor
0x00001998 0x3C0808EB
0x0000199C 0x8D093DCC
0x000019A0 0x3C0A08A7
0x000019A4 0x3C0B00C0
0x000019A8 0x356BF809
0x000019AC 0x3C0C0000
0x000019B0 0x358C0000
0x000019B4 0x240D0001
0x000019B8 0x240E0040
0x000019BC 0x152D0002
0x000019C4 0xAD4C1F18
0x000019C8 0x152E0002
0x000019D0 0xAD4B1F18
0x000019D4 0x03E00008

#Creator's Warp Nades
;Grenade Disappers when you throw it.
;No explosion
;Does Not Turn Off
;You have to logout then
;log back in
0x0028FFD4 0x00000000

#Creator's Warp Plasma Nades
;Subrutine By Creator
;Grenade Disappers when you throw it.
;No explosion
;Does Not Turn Off
;You have to logout then
;log back in
0x002902E4 0x00000000

#Can't Shoot Guns
;Does Not Turn Off
;You have to logout then
;log back in
0x00271D28 0x00000000
Signed, Bot

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