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« on: December 21, 2011, 03:14:09 am »
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#Fake Inf Health Online
 ;Made by -LeetGamer- aka TheEliteOne
 ;This makes your health bar stay full but it's a text (visual) mod.
 ;So you still really get hurt.
 0xFFFFFFFF 0x00504B74
 0x0000AF20 0x43480000

 #Un-DMAed Coordiantes
 0xFFFFFFFF 0x0058361C
 0x00000070 0x00000000 ;Flat Cordinate 1 (X/Y)
 0x00000074 0x00000000 ;Flat Cordinate 2 (X/Y)
 0x00000078 0x00000000 ;Z cordinate (Hight)

 #Text Colors - Green
 ;Subroutine by TheEliteOne
 ;This changes the chat and the bottom right text
 0x00560000 0x3C0808DB
 0x00560004 0x3C09F00F
 0x00560008 0x3529905F
 0x0056000C 0xAD09D7D8
 0x00560014 0x3C0808DB
 0x00560018 0x3C09F00F
 0x0056001C 0x3529905F
 0x00560020 0xAD09D7E0
 0x00560024 0x03E00008
 0x00339D78 0x0A358000

 #Text Colors - Black
 ;Subroutine by TheEliteOne
 ;This changes the chat and the bottom right text
 0x00560000 0x3C0808DB
 0x00560004 0x3C09F000
 0x00560008 0x35290000
 0x0056000C 0xAD09D7D8
 0x00560014 0x3C0808DB
 0x00560018 0x3C09F000
 0x0056001C 0x35290000
 0x00560020 0xAD09D7E0
 0x00560024 0x03E00008
 0x00339D78 0x0A358000

 #Text Colors - Bright Green
 ;Subroutine by TheEliteOne
 ;This changes the chat and the bottom right text
 0x00560000 0x3C0808DB
 0x00560004 0x3C09F000
 0x00560008 0x3529F000
 0x0056000C 0xAD09D7D8
 0x00560014 0x3C0808DB
 0x00560018 0x3C09F000
 0x0056001C 0x3529F000
 0x00560020 0xAD09D7E0
 0x00560024 0x03E00008
 0x00339D78 0x0A358000

 #Text Colors - Yellow
 ;Subroutine by TheEliteOne
 ;This changes the chat and the bottom right text
 0x00560000 0x3C0808DB
 0x00560004 0x3C09FF00
 0x00560008 0x3529F8F0
 0x0056000C 0xAD09D7D8
 0x00560014 0x3C0808DB
 0x00560018 0x3C09FF00
 0x0056001C 0x3529F8F0
 0x00560020 0xAD09D7E0
 0x00560024 0x03E00008
 0x00339D78 0x0A358000

 #Text Colors - Red
 ;Subroutine by TheEliteOne
 ;This changes the chat and the bottom right text
 0x00560000 0x3C0808DB
 0x00560004 0x3C09FF0F
 0x00560008 0x352900F2
 0x0056000C 0xAD09D7D8
 0x00560014 0x3C0808DB
 0x00560018 0x3C09FF0F
 0x0056001C 0x352900F2
 0x00560020 0xAD09D7E0
 0x00560024 0x03E00008
 0x00339D78 0x0A358000

 #Text Colors - Iced Blue
 ;Subroutine by TheEliteOne
 ;This changes the chat and the bottom right text
 0x00560000 0x3C0808DB
 0x00560004 0x3C09FFF0
 0x00560008 0x3529F200
 0x0056000C 0xAD09D7D8
 0x00560014 0x3C0808DB
 0x00560018 0x3C09FFF0
 0x0056001C 0x3529F200
 0x00560020 0xAD09D7E0
 0x00560024 0x03E00008
 0x00339D78 0x0A358000

 #Text Colors - Shark Blue
 ;Subroutine by TheEliteOne
 ;This changes the chat and the bottom right text
 0x00560000 0x3C0808DB
 0x00560004 0x3C09FF5F
 0x00560008 0x35293000
 0x0056000C 0xAD09D7D8
 0x00560014 0x3C0808DB
 0x00560018 0x3C09FF5F
 0x0056001C 0x35293000
 0x00560020 0xAD09D7E0
 0x00560024 0x03E00008
 0x00339D78 0x0A358000

 #Text Colors - Pink
 ;Subroutine by TheEliteOne
 ;This changes the chat and the bottom right text
 0x00560000 0x3C0808DB
 0x00560004 0x3C09FF9F
 0x00560008 0x352900F7
 0x0056000C 0xAD09D7D8
 0x00560014 0x3C0808DB
 0x00560018 0x3C09FF9F
 0x0056001C 0x352900F7
 0x00560020 0xAD09D7E0
 0x00560024 0x03E00008
 0x00339D78 0x0A358000

 #1 Enemy Instant Die
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;Turn this code on then off for it to work. It will act like it freezes but it dosnt
 0x00000098 0x0e2cb778
 0x0032DDE0 0x3c0808cf
 0x0032DDE4 0x8d08c7ac
 0x0032DDE8 0x3c090000
 0x0032DDEC 0x35290000
 0x0032DDF0 0xad092540
 0x0032DDF4 0x03e00008

 #Two Skrimish Gods
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;No One Gets Hurt.
 ;Only works with one enemy.
 ;If you meele him you will freeze.
 0x00002540 0x43480000
 0xFFFFFFFF 0x0058361C
 0x000004C4 0x43480000

 #1 Enemy Inf Health
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;One enemy has inf health from bullets, if he dose die (From meele) you freeze
 0x00002540 0x43480000

 #InStAnT ToUcH NaDe SuBrOuTiNe
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;Code by NCR CodeX
 ;Turn this code on then off for it to work. It will act like it freezes but it dosnt
 0x0032DDE0 0x0e2cb778
 0x0032DDE4 0x3c090000
 0x0032DDE8 0x35290000
 0x0032DDEC 0xad092a58
 0x0032DDF0 0x03e00008
 0x00000098 0x0a339f16

 #Infinate Stamina
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 0xFFFFFFFF 0x0058361C
 0x00001F0A 0xFFFF

 #Huge Weapons
 ;Medal of Honor Heroes 2 Code By adm3ntwar
 ;Ported by TheEliteOne
 ;Even after you throw the grenades they are still jumbo.
 0x0006F960 0x4000

 #Invisible Weapons
 ;MOHH2 Code by adm3ntwar
 ;Ported by TheEliteOne
 ;Even after you throw the grenades they are still invisable.
 0x0006F960 0x00003000

 #Black Screen
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 0x0006F864 0x00004000

 #Invisable Guns
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 0x00075378 0x00004000

 #Invisible Guns, Blue Triangle
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;All Weapons: Invisable.
 ;Pistol: Blueish White Triangle on Right Side of screen when not moving.
 ;It goes away when you move.
 ;Grenade: Blueish White Triangle always on right side of the screen.
 0x00075378 0x00003000

 #Twithcy Gun
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 0x00073C64 0x00000000

 #Walk = Tall Player
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;When you walk or run you get taller.
 0x000607BC 0x00000000

 #Walk = Farther Gun Stance
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;When you walk you hold you gun farther away.
 0x000608D4 0x00000000

 #Walk = Raise Gun
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;It's like a higher zoom.
 0x00060904 0x00000000

 #Walk = Quick Farther Gun Stance
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;Like 'Walk = Farther Gun Stance' but when you walk your doing a meele kinda.
 0x0006CF60 0x00000000

 #Walk = Quick Raise Gun
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;Like 'Walk = Raise Gun' but it's quick, like 'Walk = Quick Farther Gun Stance'.
 0x0006CF90 0x00000000

 #Analog Controller - Up
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 0x005442AC 0xFFFFFFFF

 #Analog Controller - Down
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 0x005442AC 0x00000100

 #Analog Controller - Right
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 0x005442A8 0x00000100

 #Analog Controller - Left
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 0x005442A8 0xFFFFFFFF

 #Analog Lock - Up Down
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;Can only walk forwards and back.
 0x005442A8 0x000000A0

 #Analog Lock - Left Right
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;Can only walk left and right.
 0x005442AC 0x000000A0

 #Analog Lock - All
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;You can't use analog.
 0x005442A8 0x000000A0
 0x005442AC 0x000000A0

 #Controller and Analog Lock
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;You can't do anything.
 ;I wasn't the first to make the controller address.
 0x005442A8 0x000000A0
 0x005442AC 0x000000A0
 0x005442B0 0x00000000;Controller address

 #Streched View
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 0x0007DA58 0x00000000

 #Imortality Subroutine
 ;Code by STR8KR4ZY
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;Inf health offline
 0x00000610 0x3c088a41
 0x00000614 0x3c0903e0
 0x00000618 0x35290008
 0x0000061c 0xad0913bc
 0x00000620 0x03e00008
 0x00000098 0x0e200184

 #Inf Stamina DMA Sub
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 0x00000098 0x0e200400
 0x00001000 0x3c0808d0
 0x00001004 0x3c084b74
 0x00001008 0x3c090000
 0x0000100c 0x35296d04
 0x00001010 0xad090000
 0x00001014 0x03e00008

 #Sprint Flash Joker
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;Sprint Flash: N/A
 ;My First Joker
 ;To Not Move Wile Sprinting hold select
 0x00000098 0x0a200184
 0x00000610 0x3c190897
 0x00000614 0x3c1808D4
 0x00000618 0x871842B0
 0x0000061c 0x240f0001
 0x00000620 0x130f0006
 0x00000624 0x3c0e3C04
 0x00000628 0x25ce4050
 0x0000062c 0xaf2e9838
 0x00000630 0x03e00008
 0x00000634 0x3c0e3C04
 0x00000638 0x25ce4050
 0x0000063c 0xaf2e9838
 0x00000640 0x03e00008
 0xFFFFFFFF 0x00504B74
 0x00006D04 0x42C80000

 #Inf Stamina
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 0xFFFFFFFF 0x00504B74
 0x00006D04 0x42C80000

 #Ad Hoc room Name Imposter
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;Set as blank right no
 0x005A4D5C 0x00000000
 0x005A4D60 0x00000000
 0x005A4D64 0x00000000
 0x005A4D68 0x00000000

 #Quick Safe Ad Hoc game
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;Turn on before you make
 ;No Time Limit
 ;Only you can join
 0x005A56A4 0x00000000
 0x005108F4 0x00000001

 #Crouch Flash
 ;Credit Jet.HacKer
 ;Ported: TheEliteOne
 0x005935E8 0x4180B99A
 0x005935EC 0x4180B99A
 0x005935F0 0x4180B99A

 #Sniper Zoom Stretch Up and Down
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;When you zoom In/Out the screen gets taller/shorter
 ;Both Axis and Allies Sniper
 ;For other guns it works but you cant edit the zoom
 0x00690624 0x3F3FA549
 0x006C2624 0x3F3FA549

 #Sniper Zoom Stretch Right and Left
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;When you zoom In/Out the screen gets Wider and skinnyer
 ;Both Axis and Allies Sniper
 ;For other guns it works but you cant edit the zoom
 0x00690638 0x3F4012EC
 0x006C2638 0x3F4012EC

 #Sniper Cant Zoom In
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;Both Axis and Allies Sniper
 0x00690624 0x3F3FA549
 0x00690638 0x3F4012EC
 0x006C2624 0x3F3FA549
 0x006C2638 0x3F4012EC

 #Sniper Cant Zoom Out
 ;Credit To TheEliteOne
 ;But Normal View is Just Like Full Zoom Sniper
 ;Both Axis and Allies Sniper
 0x00690624 0x3F412575
 0x00690638 0x3F419313
 0x006C2624 0x3F412575
 0x006C2638 0x3F419313
Signed, Bot

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