Author Topic: ULUS-10210 Ghost Rider  (Read 345 times)

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ULUS-10210 Ghost Rider
« on: December 23, 2011, 11:35:20 pm »
#Zoom In
 ;credit Ruffian
 ;enable before loading level
 0x000176B8 0x3C053E80

#Zoom Out
 ;credit Ruffian
 ;enable before loading level
 0x000176B8 0x3C053F80

 ;credit Ruffian
 0x0003BEC8 0x3C053F00

#Turn Fast
 ;credit Ruffian
 ;noticable if you walk
 ;forward then back
 0x0003BE34 0x3C050000

#Epic Zone
 ;credit Ruffian
 0x001827E8 0x3F00
 0x001ED60C 0x3F00

#Claw Orbs
 ;credit Ruffian
 0x000EEA10 0x3C093F00

#Orb Lightshow
 ;credit Ruffian
 0x000EEC10 0?34080001

#Demons Miss
 ;credit Ruffian
 ;enable before loading level
 0x000298C4 0?34130000

#Demons Stuck
 ;credit Ruffian
 ;enable before loading level
 0x000297F0 0x3C040000

#Demons Stuck FIX
 ;credit Ruffian
 ;works when enabled
 0x000FCAE4 0x3C040000

#Demons Stuck PERFECT
 ;credit Ruffian
 ;can?t jump/attack to move
 0x000FCB3C 0?34020000

#Demons Stuck PERFECT copy
 ;credit Ruffian
 ;can?t jump/attack to move
 0x000FCB38 0?10000000

#Demonic Slowass
 ;credit Ruffian
 0x000FC9A8 0?34100001

#Demonic Dummies
 ;credit Ruffian
 0x0011726C 0x03E00008

 ;credit Ruffian
 0x0010164C 0x03E00008

#Demons don?t Attack
 ;credit Ruffian
 0x00101A24 0?00000000

#Demons don?t Follow
 ;credit Ruffian
 0x00101A48 0?00000000

#Smoothe Game Speed
 ;credit Ruffian
 0x00177E54 0x3C044300

#Insane Game Speed
 ;credit Ruffian
 0x00177E54 0x3C044200

#No Lighting
 ;credit Ruffian
 0x000B1E80 0?00000000
Signed, Bot

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