Added Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Hacks. More PSP Hacks.More Coming Soon!
#NO FAIL ;CREDIT HX-god_of_death ;will work on all songs EXCEPT ones that have just one bar to play if it has them all it will work 0x0098FFD0 0x4EDC2905 0x0098FEA0 0x4EDC2905 0?00990230 0x4EDC2905 0?00990100 0x4EDC2905#BAR ONE HEIGHT MODDER ;CREDIT HX-god_of_death 0x0098FF80 0x4E4CCCCD#MAX SCORE ;CREDIT HX-god_of_death 0?00990458 0x3B9AC9FF#INF MONEY ;CREDIT HX-god_of_death 0x013C25CC 0x3B9AC9FF#2,000,000 Points ;Credits Datrikster ;HZ 15 0x0098EAF8 0?77359400#No fans Lost ;When You Restart You Dont Lose Any Fans ;Credits Datrikster ;HZ 15 0x006FE794 0?00000000#100 Percent ALL Instruments ;HZ 15 ;Credits Datrikster 0x006FE770 0?00000064 0x006FE768 0?00000064 0x006FE774 0?00000064 0x006FE76C 0?00000064
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